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Student Journalism

A selection of my work written whilst I was a student at the University of Exeter.

Are the Arts Redundant?

The coronavirus pandemic has been tough on all industries but none more than the arts and culture sector. After months of theatre closures and cancelled shows, the latest blow to creatives has been alleged comments by the Chancellor of the Exchequer suggesting that, in the face of COVID-induced economic hardship, “musicians and others in the arts should retrain and find other jobs”, according to ITV. If this wasn’t a big enough knock, these remarks were then followed this week by a maladroit gov

“A computer is not a substitute for everything”: why a ‘virtual’ year abroad won’t work

It is something MFL students look forward to the minute they fill in their degree choice on UCAS. We click that little ‘submit’ box and immediately we’re dreaming of eating tapas on the tiny streets of Spain, exploring the art galleries littered around Paris or experiencing the techno music scene in Berlin. We work hard for our A levels and then 2 years of university go by where we slave over grammar, translations, listening and reading exercises – motivated by the thought of our third year spen